Chitrali passengers strongly condemned NHA inhuman policy

Chitrali passengers lamented NHA dual policy. Poor performance. CHITRAL: As the only land route connecting Chitral to other parts of the country remain block for all type of vehicular traffic due to snowfall in winter season at least for 4 to 6 months a year and people of Chitral are compelled to travel via Afghanistan but this year it is not seem to be open for Chitrali passengers due to tense situation in the region. Hence Governor NWFP Owais Ahmad Khan Ghani and Provincial Minister for Population welfare Saleem Khan Chitrali had announced that Chitral passengers would be allowed
to travel inside the Lawari tunnel which has already completed but National highway Authority NHA badly failed to provide relief to Chitrali passengers and people taking life risk while traveling over snow bound Lawari top. Despite the decision taken by the Minister of communications and NHA Chairman, followed by declaration by Governor NWFP that Chitralis would be allowed to pass through the Lowari tunnel once the pass closes, authorities at the tunnel refuse passage of passengers through the tunnel. On 16 and 17 Nov the pass was declared closed due to snow fall. On 17 Nov vehicles were stopped one km short of the tunnel on the Dir side and told to wait till 12 O’clock when the tunnel would be opened for traffic but at 1230 while the snow was turning into a blizzard a sentry manning the barrier said the tunnel will not be open and those wanting to risk their lives could try and go over the snowing Lowari pass. Wg Cdr (r) Fardad Ali Shah who was also travelling in the convoy, with much difficulty pushed his way to reach the NHA office where the only NHA rep present was the security officer Gp Capt (r) Aslam. When he was asked why the tunnel is being denied to Chitralis despite announcements by the governor etc, he said their were no such instructions from the NHA to him. When asked he should get some responsible officer of NHA on line so that the plight of stranded travelers could be put up to them, he said there was no communication system with them. When questioned as to being a human, didn’t he feel pity for the stranded people including women and children stuck in the snow, he said he very much felt that but he was obeying orders from NHA headquarters not to allow any one through the tunnel. Meanwhile a sentry sneakily approached Wg Cdr (r) Fardad Ali Shah and said he should take it easy and he will be allowed through after the other travelers disperse, to which he got a rebuking reply saying injustice and selfishness has brought this country to ruins, and at least for him he would only pass through the tunnel after every one else has passed through,. A more harrowing tale of disgrace was when on 16 Nov an ambulance carrying a woman with a broken back bone was held up for several hours at the Dir side of the tunnel and was let through the tunnel only after she was made to personally beg and wail in front of the Korean engineer. Shame upon us! Woe upon us! What can be more disgraceful on the part of Pakistanis there. It is ironical that security at the Lowari tunnel means only not allowing passengers come near the tunnel. Otherwise there was no sign of any security checks etc, not even hand held scanners were found any where with the couple of sentries present there. Wg Cdr (r) Fardad Ali Shah has demanded that immediately security measures be taken to ensure all travelers are allowed through the tunnel after security check. as has been announced by the government. He said only entertaining the influential and those with approach to NHA high ups is not on. He demanded proper reception with dedicated staff informing about the status of the tunnel on huge bill boards. Waiting rooms with toilet faculties should be set up at both the tunnel entrances and complaint books should be made available there and telephone numbers of Chairman NHA, GM, PD etc should be displayed in bold for launching immediate complaints. He said at present everything seems user-unfriendly and adhocism, inefficiency and ill will seems to be ruling the roost. G.H. Farooqi PO Box No. 50 GPO Chitral Pakistan phone No. 03025989602, 03469002167, 0943-302295, 414418 Email

source - Fashion Life

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