40 female students admitted to hospital in Chitral

from The Nation - CHITRAL (Online) - 40 female students of a local seminary were admitted to the District Headquarter Hospital on Sunday night after eating poisonous food. Hospital sources said the female students of Jamia Almuhsanat Ochusht, who belonged to various parts of Chitral, were brought to the hospital in a critical condition. However, they are now in a stable condition after receiving intense care.
According to details, a local resident, Ismail, had arranged a dinner for the students during which rice and beef was served to them. But the students and their teacher became unconscious soon after eating the food and they were rushed to the DHQ Hospital where they are under treatment till filling this report.

Dr Nisarullah told Online that the seminary administrator, Maulana
Khaliq Ahmad was also under treatment in the hospital, adding that they would soon be discharged, as their condition was improving.
It is pertinent to mention that the patients are facing difficulties due to insufficient washrooms in the hospital.

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