کام کرنے والی 92 فیصد خواتین کا کہنا ہے کہ جائے کار میں حقوق کے حوالے سے جنسی توازن غیر مساویانہ ہے۔۔

92% of Australian women believe that they do not enjoy equal rights according to the results of a new study conducted by leading cosmetic company the Heat Group and UNIFEM Australia, the United Nations Development Fund for women.

The Poll also revealed 41% of women flagged domestic commitments, lack of support in the home and the resulting inability to work longer hours and promote themselves professionally as the major stumbling blocks to gender equality in Australia.
More than half of Australian women reported feeling pressure to conform to traditional female roles within the home, adding further disadvantages to the already challenging task of balancing the demand of both their personal and professional lives.
Business also received a bad wrap, with a high percentage of women – 41% – feeling they had being passed over for promotion because of their sex, a trend that is particularly evident amongst women over 40.
Of the more than 500 women polled nationally, 69% said they wanted more measures to improve the current situation of women in Australia; proving that despite progress being made gender equality in Australia still had a long way to go.
Kate O’Reilly, Board Member of UNIFEM Australia today stated “it simply does not make economic sense not to have equality in the workplace. She went on to say that “companies who support the full participation of women at all levels demonstrate stronger performance.”
source - DB

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