Aga Khan Foundation calls for discussions on Early Childhood Development in Syria

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network, (AKDN), called for a meeting on Tuesday, April the 6th, to discuss an upcoming study aimed at analyzing the potential for expansion of various early childhood development initiatives carried out in Syria. 

AKF, in collaboration with the Wolfensohn Center for Development, an organization dedicated to research in the field of early childhood development, is planning to study and review three key national projects in the field of early childhood development. These projects are "The Community Center" in the village of Tal-a-Tout, (Hama governorate) initiated by AKF in partnership with the women Federation and the local community, the "Mobile Library" by FIRDOS, which aims to encourage reading in rural areas, and the "Public Library for Children" initiated by Rainbow.

he objective of this study is to identify challenges, opportunities and preconditions for successful expansion of these projects to the national level, through an analysis of best practices implemented and lessons learned. Findings from the study and recommendations will be delivered at a follow up session. 

The meeting, to be held at the Carlton Hotel in Damascus, will include representatives from a large number of organizations engaged in the field of Early Childhood Development. These include Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture - Directorate of Children's Culture, Ministry of Health, Al-Bashaeer National School, Damascus University - Faculty of Education, Syrian Commission for Family Affairs, Women's Federation, Center for Early Childhood Development, UNICEF, UNRWA "Bright Fingers" for publishing, in addition to representatives from AKF, FIRDOS, and Rainbow.

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