The hearing, convened by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat of New York, is scheduled to include testimony from sexual assault victims and military leaders and comes at a moment of both historic progress and fresh outrages. In a move for equality, the Pentagon finally ended its ban on women in combat in January. Meantime, the Air Force is dealing with the still-unfolding scandal at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, where basic-training instructors sexually harassed, improperly touched or raped more than 60 recruits between 2009 and 2012.
In another disturbing case, Lt. Gen. Craig Franklin, an Air Force commander, dismissed without explanation the aggravated sexual assault conviction of an Air Force fighter pilot, Lt. Col. James Wilkerson. General Franklin used his discretion under the Uniform Code of Military Justice to unilaterally overturn the jury verdict, permitting Colonel Wilkerson’s reinstatement in the Air Force.
This inexplicable decision has rightly prompted two Democratic senators, Barbara Boxer of California and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, to call on Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to begin an internal inquiry into the “travesty of justice.” In a letter released on Monday, Mr. Hagel said he was reviewing the case, though under military rules, General Franklin’s decision cannot be reversed. Mr. Hagel also said he wanted to review whether the military should change the way it handles sexual assault cases. That review is clearly overdue.
The Wilkerson case highlights the broader military justice problem of allowing senior commanders power to decide whether criminal charges are brought against their subordinates and whether to throw out a verdict once it is rendered. Charging decisions should be left to an independent prosecutorial authority. Victims of assault, long discouraged from reporting attacks, should not have to complain to their bosses, and rely on them for justice. The Senate hearing should begin the process of reform.
A version of this editorial appeared in print on March 13, 2013, on page A24 of the New York edition with the headline: Sexual Assaults and Military Justice.

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