Musharraf asks Chitral MNA to sit in opposition

Former president general (retired) Pervez Musharraf has extolled the people of Chitral for their positive approach and electing his nominated person to the National Assembly.

Talking to Dawn from Islamabad following his meeting with the former president on Thursday, MNA-elect from Chitral Shahzada Iftikharuddin said that the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) chief had advised him to sit on the opposition benches, but lend support to the government on policies beneficial to the country and the nation.

The MNA-elect said that Mr Musharraf expressed his gratitude to him when he offered to vacate the seat for him after his release from the jail. Mr Iftikharuddin said that Mr Musharraf would consider the offer at a proper time and would come to Chitral to thank the people for giving him so much honour and respect.

The former president assured the MNA-elect and APML district president Shahzada Khalid Parvaiz that in his individual capacity he would use his contacts to generate funds for the mega project (Lowari tunnel).

He also expressed his strong desire to visit Chitral soon after his release and thank the people of Chitral. He said that he would like to see the rapid development of Chitral district.

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