Chitralis demand release of funds for Lowari Tunnel project لواری ٹنل منصوبے کے لئے مزید فنڈز مختص کئے جائیں، چترالیوں کا مطالبہ

from The News - PESHAWAR: The residents of Chitral staged protest against the government for not releasing funds for the under-construction Lowari Tunnel project. Led by former member of the National Assembly from Chitral, Abdul Akbar Chitrali, the protesters said the government should release funds so that the project was completed without delay. They said the people had already faced a lot of miseries due to blockade of Lowari Top during winters and the tunnel was their sole hope.
The local consultants and Sambu Construction Company undertaking the Lowari Tunnel Project have threatened to halt work on the tunnel if the government did not release Rs700 million by April 1.

An official source said the government had failed to furnish funds for the mega project enabling the landlocked Chitral district to have a round-the-year access to the rest of the country. He said if Rs700 million under the agreement were not released, the Sambu Construction Company and local consultants would stop work on the project.

Work on the project remained suspended for five months last year due to poor security situation. More impediments could cause further delay in the completion of the tunnel, which to the delight of Chitralis was used this year for transportation.

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