Musharraf starts political consultations مشرف نے سیاسی مشاور شروع کردی

Lahore (Pakistan Observer) — After keeping mum for almost two years, former President Pervez Musharraf, who is currently based in London, has started consultation for entering politics and leading a political party ahead of his regime to the country.
As a part of his campaign, the former President chaired a meeting in Abu Dhabi that was attended among others by former federal ministers of his regime including Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, Chaudhry Shahbaz Hussain and Amir Muqam. Former Chief Minister Sindh Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim and a good number of his supporters from various parts of the country also participated. Humayun Akhtar Khan, Hamid Nasir Chattha and Salim Saifullah exchanged views over telephone with former President Musharraf. 

Sources told Pakistan Observer that close aide of former President advised him to start political activities and return to the country at a appropriate time.

According to sources former President Pervez Musharraf intends to lead the PML-Q. The close aide of former President advised him to contact Chaudhary brothers to get their support before starting political activities. 

The sources claimed, it was decided in the meeting to constitute a 10-member body to negotiate with Chaudhary brothers by May 10, to be followed by another meeting to discuss the outcome. It was pointed out in the meeting that Ch. Shujaat Hussain had an inclination to cooperate with former President Musharraf on his return to the country but Ch. Pervaiz Elahi wants to keep distance from him.

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