
US seeks access to ‘Rambo’ arrested in Pak while on mission to kill bin Laden

During a Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) mis...

Islamabad, Jun.17 (ANI): The United States has formally asked Pakistan to grant access to the American construction worker, who was nabbed while on a solo mission to ‘hunt’ down and kill Al-Qaeda warlord Osama bin Laden.

“The US embassy has filed an application seeking access to 52-year-old Gary Brooks Faulkner,” The News quoted US Embassy spokesman Richard Snelsire, as saying.

Faulkner, who is currently being quizzed by Pakistani intelligence officials in Peshawar, was arrested from a forest near Chitral in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) earlier this week.

The Chitral region is among several rumoured hiding places of Laden.

Officials said that he was trying to sneak into Afghanistan’s Nuristan province to hunt and kill Laden.

A pistol, a dagger, night vision goggles, some hashish and Christian literature were recovered from his possession.

During his interrogation, Faulkner told police that he had visited Pakistan seven times, and this was his third trip to Chitral.

When asked why he thought he had a chance of tracing bin Laden, Faulkner replied: “God is with me, and I am confident I will be successful in killing h

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