PRCS distributes food packets in Swat

Flood-affected families in Chitral receive ediblesThe News - MINGORA: Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) Swat with assistance from Japan’s embassy in Islamabad distributed 1,800 food packets to the affected residents in the district.Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, the secretary of the PRCS Swat Prof Mian Muhib Jan said the food packages were given to the most vulnerable families having less than Rs5000 per month income including widows and minorities. He said food was also distributed to 62 persons belonging to the minority community.

Prof Muhib Jan said the Pakistan Red Crescent was working in the militancy-battered area for the welfare of the poor and the needy. He said each package consisted of 50kg floor, 20kg rice, 15kg oil, 10kg sugar, salt, tea, washing powder, soaps and napkins.

The official lauded the government of Japan and its embassy in Pakistan for extending help to the vulnerable families in Swat. Our Peshawar Bureau adds: Al-Khidmat Foundation, in collaboration with Al-Maroof Khidmat-e-Khalq Organisation and United Flour Mills Islamabad, distributed food items to about 100 families affected by recent floods in Chitral.

A gathering for the distribution of the food items was held at Al-Khidmat Youth Complex with AKF Chitral President Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali in the chair. He distributed food items including flour, vegetable ghee, sugar, tea packs, rice, and pulses along with other necessities to the people of four villages Ochust, Shiakutaik, Khorkashanda and Mastjapanda of Chitral.

On the occasion, Abdul Akbar Chitrali said the AKF volunteers carried out rescue and relief operation and shifted the affected people to District Headquarters Hospital and Scouts Hospital in Chitral town. He urged philanthropists to extend financial assistance to the foundation for serving the poor and flood-hit people.

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