Country heading towards mid-term polls

Surveying damage in PakistanImage by The U.S. Army via Flickr
From Pakistan Observer - Islamabad—The cold Tuesday suddenly turned hot when JUI (F) threw fist salvo on the coalition government by announcing to quit it following sacking of its Federal Minister Azam Sawati by the Prime Minister. On this, JUI reacted sharply and parted way sending strong signal to the stake-holders to prepare for the fresh elections in the country. 

Government emissaries became active to save the present political set up but MQM leader Altaf Hussain asked his workers to prepare for the elections. 

These dramatic developments started taking shape when Sindh Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza on Monday accused coalition partner MQM for target killings in the commercial hub of the country.

The Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam Fazl (JUI-F) broke away from the federal coalition on Tuesday over the government’s decision to sack its party’s member, Federal Minister for Science and Technology Azam Swati.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman, while addressing the media, said it is not possible for his party to continue to remain ally in the government.

He said the decision was taken due to the government’s non-cooperation. Two more federal ministers of his party also resigned.

Rehman said Swati had helped the government in the Hajj corruption probe but the government sacked him without giving any reasons. He declared that his party would oppose the Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST) bill in the parliament.

Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) proposed to freeze the accounts of former Religious Affairs Minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi and include his name in the Exit Control List, following his dismissal from the federal cabinet on Tuesday.

FIA also blocked the bank accounts of former Religious Affairs Secretary, Agha Sarwar Raza Qazalbash.

Earlier, an FIA team left for Saudi Arabia to investigate Hajj Scandal.

Speaking to the media after receiving news of his dismissal, Kazmi said he had received the dismissal news while on his way to Lahore, and that he had been dismissed from the ministry over violating cabinet discipline. “There was a lobby against me that wanted to take over the ministry,” he said. “The same lobby wanted to force my resignation, but I stood firm against them.”

Federal Minister for Science and Technology Azam Swati and Religious Affairs Minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi were dismissed earlier Tuesday in connection to the Hajj corruption case.

The announcement by the Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam leaves the coalition with just a small majority in the National Assembly and threatens the stability of the weak civilian government. The other major coalition party – MQM – is also reviewing its partnership with the PPP due to outrageous remarks by the Sindh Interior Minister Zulfiqar Mirza in Karachi. 

President Zardari and PM Gilani telephoned Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman but he refused to talk, however, JUI-F chief avoided to confirm about telephonic calls from the Presidency and PM House.

President Zardari’s Special Assistant Dr. Qayyum Soomro rushed to the home of Maulana Fazl to convince him to take back his decision. Maulana tried to dispel the impression by saying that Qayyum Soomro was his old acquaintance. 

Still, Farahnaz Ispahani, an aide to Zardari and spokeswoman for the Pakistan People’s Party, said the government was unfazed by the defection.

“With JUI quitting the sky is not falling, the government majority is there,” she said.

Azam Khan Swati of the JUI accused Religious Affairs Minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi of corruption in the cases of the pilgrimages, sparking a Supreme Court investigation. 

Gilani asked the two to cease their bickering, and then fired both, angering the JUI.

The Federal Capital was humming with rumours that the country was moving towards mid term polls, as following withdrawal of support by JUI(F) and highly unpredictable attitude of the MQM has left Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani with no option but to go for snap polls.The situation is likely to complicate further as highly impeccable sources believed that five more Federal Ministers were going to call it a day during the next few days, increasing pressure on the Prime Minister to act fast. It has reliably been learnt that Hamid Saeed Kazmi was removed from ministry as it had become inevitable following remarks of the Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhary that how those being accused of corruption were still sticking to their seats. However, in a bid to give the impression as if Kazmi was not removed because of corruption but due to tussel between the two Ministers, Minister for Science and Technology Azam Swati, who is otherwise considered to be Mr. Clean was also fired. The move backfired as it resulted into parting of ways between PPP and JUI(F). The differences between PPP and JUI(F) are unlikely to subside as Maulana backed claims of Azam Swati about alleged corruption in the Hajj arrangements and said he wrote letters to the President and the Prime Minister but instead of taking any action against the culprits, the Minister was fired.

Sources also claimed that an MQM delegation was to meet the President after Ashura to convey to him grievances of the party vis-à-vis Sindh Home Minister Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza who carried out scathing attack on MQM during his address to the members of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Monday. But there are grim prospects of rapprochement because of the growing gulf due to Karachi situation and on the issue of proposed RGST. However, the situation would also become somewhat clear following meeting of the MQM Rabita Committee meeting, which has been convened for today (Wednesday).

Political analysts also point out that even if the Government survives moves by JUI(F) and MQM, it will have to face an embarrassing situation during passage of RGST in the National Assembly as PPP lacks majority to steer the bill in the House with PML(N), PML(Q), MQM and JUI(F) all insisting that they would oppose the bill while remaining in the house. Such a situation would also leave the Government de-legitimized.

According to the spokesman of the PM House, Khurshid Shah and Sardar Asseff Ahmed Ali were given the charge of ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Information Technology respectively.

Sardar Asseff Ahmed Ali will have additional charge of Ministry of Education and Khurshid Shah will have addition charge of Ministry of Labour and Manpower.

Also the Prime Minister has appointed Makhdoom Shahabuddin as Minister for Defence Production, who will continue to hold his portfolio of the Health Ministry.

Secretary Ministry of Religious Affairs Agha Sarwar Raza Qazalbash has been directed to report to the Establishment Division, while Secretary Overseas Pakistanis Division Saeed Khan has been appointed Secretary Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Meanwhile, ANP Spokesman Senator Zahid Khan has said that the ANP will not give up support of the federal government, added that the government should had consulted with its allies before sacking of the federal ministers. 

Reacting over the announcement of the JUI about quitting the federal government, Zahid Khan said that the ANP is part of the federal government, adding that they had supported the government right from the beginning and they would continue support of the government in the future. 

He pointed out that it was JUI (F)’s own decision of leaving the government but the government should had taken Maulana Fazlur Rehman and the JUI into confidence before sacking Azam Swati.

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