Opening of Lawari Tunnel demanded

Lowari TunnelImage by arsalank2 via Flickr
F.P. Report CHITRAL: The traders community on Sunday here demanded opening of Lawari tunnel on urgent basis for facilitation of people as they are facing a lot of problems due to heavy fog in Chitral-Dir Road. The demand was made during a meeting of Lowari Tunnel Committee held here with Moulana Sher Aziz in the chair. Leaders of various political parties, traders and transport associations, teachers and clerks unions, journalists and senior citizens attended
the meeting. The speakers expressed the concerns over not opening of Lowari Tunnel for traffic despite no work is going inside at the moment and people are facing a lot of problems due to foggy condition on the road. They threatened of wheel-jam strike in Chitral if the tunnel was not opened for traffic on permanent basis by 28th December. It was also demanded to sort-out financial matters with concerned contractors for early completion of the remaining finishing work on the tunnel.
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