Aga Khan Development Network plans to expand rural development program to 187 villages in Naryn, Osh oblasts.

Provinces of KyrgyzstanImage via Wikipedia
Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbaev met with Aga Khan Development Network Representation Head Nurjehan Mawani on January 21. During the meeting, Ruslan Kazakbaev expressed deep gratitude to the Aga Khan Development Network for support in addressing current socio-economic issues of the country as well as in improving livelihoods of vulnerable high mountain communities.
Mrs. Nurjehan Mawani briefed the Minister on the progress of the Aga Khan Development Network's programs and noted expansion of the rural development program which includes interventions in early childhood development, natural resource management and health. The parties discussed in details the process of rehabilitating and retrofitting of kindergartens. The rural development program is set to cover 187 villages in Osh and Naryn oblasts.Besides, Mrs. Nurjehan Mawani informed that AKDN is planning to provide low-interest loans for housing reconstruction in the southern region of the country. With regard to the construction of the University of Central Asia (UCA) in Naryn, Mrs. Nurjehan Mawani added that there are plans for the establishment of a Learning Center in Osh City. A particular attention was paid to such initiatives of the Aga Khan Development Network as the rehabilitation of Naryn Airport and the establishment of the Aga Khan Academy in Bishkek. In conclusion, Ruslan Kazakbaev expressed his hope that programs and activities of the Aga Khan Development Network will further contribute to the sustainable development of the Kyrgyz Republic.
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