ایک دوسرے سے لڑنا بند کرو، مل کر پاکستان کو چیلنج کرو: سشما سوراج ۔۔۔۔ پاگل سوراج کا اپنی بھارتی قوم کو نیک مشورہ

ایک دوسرے سے لڑنا بند کرو، مل کر پاکستان کو چیلنج کرو: سشما سوراج ۔۔۔۔ پاگل سوراج کا اپنی بھارتی قوم کو نیک مشورہ۔۔۔ بیچاری بھول گئی کہ 65 سال میں اس کا ملک ایک کامیاب میزائل نہ بناسکا۔۔سارا انحصار اسرائیل  اور روس کے پرانے اسلحے پر ہے اس اس سے ملک کا دفاع کرنے کی کوشش کرنے والا ملک ہے۔۔۔ چل نکلے پاکستا ن کو چیلنج کرنے۔ dfacebook.com/TimesOfChitral


Stop fighting each other, challenge Pakistan together: Sushma Swaraj

New Delhi: Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj on Thursday cornered the government on the recent terror attack at a CRPF camp in Bemina, Srinagar and said that instead of challenging each other in Parliament, the parties should challenge Pakistan. Sushma said, "Let us stand together and challenge Pakistan rather than challenging each other. A united voice should come from the Parliament challenging terrorism. Let us not waste our energy in challenging each other.
Raising the issue of Wednesday's fidayeen attack in Srinagar in which five CRPF personnel were killed, Sushma said, "It is sad that on a terror attack that the Parliament should seriously discuss, the members are challenging each other."
The BJP on Thursday raised the terrorist attack on a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) camp in Srinagar in Parliament and Sushma Swaraj asked Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde if we had any information then why did the government not do anything to save the lives of the CRPF personnel.



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