Nawaz Sharif attack on Supreme Court: Nawaz Sharif violated the sanctity of the judiciary in 1997

عوام جان لیں: مشرف کو غدار اور آئین شکن کہنے والے نواز شریف نے 1997 میں اقتدار کے نشے میں دھت ہوکر سپریم کورٹ کا وہ حشر کردیا ہے کہ جس کی مثال پاکستانی کی تاریخ میں کہیں نہیں ملتی....اپنے ڈنڈے بردار کرایے کے کارکنوں سے عدلیہ کو پامال کیا.... جب اس وقت کے چیف جسٹس جناب سجاد علی ان کے خلاف توہین عدالت کیس کی سماعت کر رہے تھے، تو کارکنوں کو حکم دیا کہ سپریم کورٹ پر حملہ کریں.... دیکھئے بی بی سی کی یہ رپورٹ 

Protesters halt Pakistani PM court case 

BBC Friday, November 28, 1997 Published at 07:16 GMT 
World: South Asia

Sajjad Ali Shah versus Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan's constitutional crisis 

The trial of Pakistan's Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, has been halted after his supporters forced their way into the Supreme Court building in Islamabad

Sajjad Ali Shah: position unsure
Protesters shouted abuse against the Chief Justice, Sajjad Ali Shah, who was hearing a case of contempt of court, which could lead to the Prime Minister's disqualification if he is found guilty. The court adjourned for the day.

The protest is the latest twist in the country's constitutional crisis, which started over the appointment of five new judges to the Supreme Court.

Nawaz Sharif: supporters halted his court hearing
Mr Ali Shah charged Mr Sharif with contempt after his outspoken criticism of the candidates. Mr Sharif responded by trying to remove him from office.

The two men are under considerable pressure from the country's powerful armed forces to resolve the situation constitutionally.

Mr Ali Shah's position in the court has become increasingly uncertain after an internal struggle emerged in the Supreme Court over his status. Four of his fellow judges in two separate hearings ruled he was suspended from office because he was not the most senior judge when he was appointed.

Friday's trouble started when one of Mr Sharif's Members of Parliament climbed over the gates in front of the court to get inside.

A crowd of a few hundred party supporters then began to follow him and, as the police and the security forces in riot gear stood by and did nothing, they pushed open the gates and ran into the court compound.

A few members of the crowd got into the court building and ran to windows and onto the roof of the entrance, chanting slogans against the Chief Justice.

Amid the commotion a court official ran to the courtroom and said the Chief Justice was in danger. The judges immediately adjourned proceedings and left the room.

مزید اچھی اچھی پوسٹس کے لئے لائیک کریں
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