PTI to formulate the independent foreign policy on the basis of self-respect: Imran Khan

imageISLAMABAD: Chairman Pakistan-e-Tehreek Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan on Friday said that PTI would formulate the independent foreign policy to build foreign relations on the basis of dignity and self-respect. 

He was of the view that economic stability would be essential to form the independent foreign policy for the country.

Imran Khan said that his party's supreme foreign policy objective to be to benefitted the common masses and to achieve the objective of their prosperity.

Talking to private television channel, he said that his party believes in peaceful negotiations for the solution of all internal and external issues and challenges.

Replying to question, he said that PTI has believe on regional integration to enhance the relations with all regional countries including Afghanistan, India.

Chairman PTI said that after coming in power, his party would build cordial relations with China to enhance economic and trade ties with her.

He said that "We would maintain relations with United state on the basis of equality and self- respect to achieve our national objectives.

"We also emerge as an eminent nation in the world."

Replying to another question, he said that his party believed in peaceful and political settlement of Kashmir dispute, including all resolvable issues with India.

Imran Khan said that after coming to power, PTI government would have policy of no interference and to build the cordial relations with Afghanistan for peace and stability in the region.

Chairman Imran Khan claimed that the PTI was the only party which co uld change the corrupt system. APP

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