40 year old Pakistani National undergoes complex heart transplant at the centre of excellence for advanced cardiac care at Fortis Malar, Chennai

Reflecting its commitment to saving and enriching lives beyond
boundaries, a team of cardiac experts at the centre of excellence for advanced cardiac care Fortis Malar, Chennai, led by Dr. K R Balakrishnan, Director Cardiac Sciences performed a lifesaving complex heart transplant surgery on a Pakistani National,the donor was an Indian national.

40 year old, Moulana Mohammed Zubair Ashmi resident of Tehsil Kharian, District Gujarat, Pakistan, was suffering from a condition called “Dilated Cardiomyopathy”, where the functioning of both the ventricle
of the heart is severely depressed. He was repeatedly admitted in several hospitals with breathing difficulty, poor urine output and swelling in the body. Doctors finally diagnosed him as having heart failure and advised his family that his only chance of survival was a heart transplant. 

“He had been on medication in Pakistan for more than a year since he was diagnosed with decreased pumping efficiency of the heart of around 10-15 % (Normal being 60 percent) – a condition denoting his poor heart function. When his condition became precarious, he was airlifted from a leading heart hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. Upon his arrival at Fortis Malar, we performed a detailed medical examination, and realised he also had renal failure, had fluid in his lungs and abdomen and was also hepatitis C positive. All this just made his condition extremely difficult to treat” explained Dr. K R Balakrishnan, Director Cardiac Sciences, Fortis Malar. 

Despite being on maximal drugs, his cardiac function was deteriorating, leaving doctors at Fortis Malar with the option of either finding a donor heart urgently or fitting him with an artificial heart implant device. His kidney was nearing ‘shut down’ with a serum creatinine of about 3.8mg% (normal < 1mg %) and scanty urine output of less than 150 cc per day. Since his right ventricle was severely dysfunctional, artificial long term artificial heart pump support was ruled out.
Luckily for Zubair, after a wait of approximately 2 months, a suitable Indian donor heart became available even though it was of a different blood group, thanks to the highly efficient organ sharing network system created in the State by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

“If the transplant had been delayed by even 2 days, it would have cost him his life.  Though most of the transplants are usually done on people with same blood group, in Zubair’s case the donor’s blood group was O+ve and his was AB +ve. The tissue mapping in this case was good and viable. His Hepatitis C was treated with Interferon thereby reducing the viral load and Renal disease was managed with Inotropes to increase the renal blood flow and Immuno suppressants was modified to limit damage to the kidneys” added Dr. Suresh Rao, Chief of
Cardiac Anesthesia and Critical Care.

Today Zubair is a happy man and is grateful for having being given a new lease of life in India. “Iam ready to live life all over again and it is all due to the kindness of my saviour heart " he said. Post surgery, he is recuperating well and is able to walk and take food on his own and his kidney function has completely recovered.He is scheduled to be dischraged from the hospital soon.

“Dr. K R Balakrishan said “There are close to 1.5 million patients diagnosed every year with new onset heart failure in India, and at least a third of them will need advanced therapy to survive.”

"Fortis Malar has become a centre of excellence for heart transplants within India and beyond our borders.We will continue to strive to save many more lives with the expertise of our accomplished cardiac team" said Mr. Vijayarathna, Zonal Director, Fortis Malar Hospital.

About Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathy is a condition in which the heart becomes weak, enlarged and cannot pump blood efficiently. It affects the heart's ventricles and atria. These are the lower and upper chambers of the heart, respectively. The decreased heart function can affect the lungs, liver, and other organs as well. It occurs in people of all ages, including infants and children mostly between the age group of 20 to 60.The disease often starts in the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber. The heart muscle begins to dilate (stretch and become thinner). This causes the inside of the chamber to enlarge. The problem often spreads to the right ventricle and then to the atria as the disease gets worse.

About Centre of excellence for advanced cardiac care, Fortis Malar Chennai
Fortis Malar Hospital has set benchmarks in cardiac care with its path breaking work over the past 20 years. Today, it is recognized world over as a centre of excellence providing the latest technology in Cardiac Bypass Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Interventional Cardiology, Non-invasive Cardiology, Paediatrics, Cardiology and Paediatrics Cardiac Surgery. It is amongst the few hospitals in the country that offer specialized treatment in the field of Paediatrics Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Heart Transplant and Electrophysiology.

About Fortis Healthcare Limited
Fortis Healthcare Limited is an integrated healthcare delivery service provider in Asia. The healthcare verticals of the company span primary care, diagnostics, day care speciality and hospitals, with a healthcare network spanning 12 countries. Currently, the company operates its healthcare delivery network in India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Dubai, Mauritius, Sri Lanka,   Australia, New Zealand with 70 healthcare facilities (including projects under development), over 11,000 potential beds, over 600 primary care centres, over 190 day care speciality centres, over 240 diagnostic centres, over 22,500 employees together with approximately 2,000 people employed at our managed healthcare facilities.

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