Musharraf wins $12,604 bail in second Pakistan case

ISLAMABAD (AFP) - Pakistan's ex military leader Pervez Musharraf was granted bail on Tuesday in a second case relating to his nine-year rule, bringing closer his possible release after nearly two months of house arrest.

The retired general, who returned from four years of self-imposed exile in March, is officially barred from leaving the country and has been detained at his villa on the edge of Islamabad since April 19.

Last month, he won bail over charges that he conspired to murder former premier Benazir Bhutto, and on Tuesday for his dismissal of judges and imposition of emergency rule in 2007.

Musharraf's lawyer Ilyas Siddiqui told AFP that bail had been posted at one million rupees (S$12,604) and that his defence team would seek bail in a third case dating back to his 1999-2008 rule.
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