
Pakistani taxi driver returns £10,000 to passenger who left it in the back of his taxi

پاکستانی ایسے بھی ہیں!
بیرون ملک کام کرنے والے پاکستانی ٹیکسی ڈرائیور نے قوم کا سر فخر سے بلند کردیا…

Quinn had cashed the cheque from his inheritance, following the death of his mother. PHOTO: CATERS NEWS AGENCY

An honest Pakistani taxi driver earned the respect and friendship of his customer after returning a bag containing £10,000 in cash, which the passenger left on the back seat of the car.

Mohammed Nisar, 55, had been driving Adrian Quinn, a sole trader, to Walsall train station in the West Midlands when he arrived at his destination and hopped out of the vehicle in a rush, forgetting the bag that contained the cash.

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Quinn had cashed the cheque from his inheritance, following the death of his mother, which is why he was carrying the hefty sum.

Quinn, 46, said, “Losing that money would have been the end of my business. I was physically sick!”

He realised he had left the bag in the car just seconds after Nisar dropped him at the station.

He added that “I was walking across the car park when I realised I hadn’t got my bag and I panicked. I tried to flag down another taxi but they all had fares.

Quinn further explained that he didn’t know what to do and losing the bag would have been the end of his business.

“We have built it up from nothing for the last nine years and we are sole traders. We don’t have the backing of banks. It is hard work, but it earns us a living,” he said.

He finally got another taxi to take him back to the taxi rank where he arrived to find Nisar sitting in his car with the bag safely on the passenger seat.



He asked Nisar, “Do you know what what in that bag? Put it this way, it is not a box of sandwiches or a newspaper. There is £10,000 in there.”

Nisar was give a cash reward in an envelope marked ‘To my best friend in the world’ and was invited to Quinn’s home for a family meal.

“He nearly had a heart attack and he was really worried,” said Nisar when he described the incident adding that “he came up to me and asked if I realised what was in the bag. He was very, very thankful. He had just bought a car but forgot the bag full of money.”

The self-employed taxi driver of 15 years, has found several things at the back of his taxi on many occasions. Two years ago, a passenger left a wallet containing £150 in, but Mohammed drove straight back to the man’s home to return it.

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Following his latest find, Nisar is urging fellow taxi driver to do the same, should they find themselves in a similar situation.

“At the end of the day honesty is the best policy. There are some drivers who don’t return things but what is the point? If the council had not have called me and no-one had have claimed it after 12 or 24 hours I would have taken that bag straight to the police station,” the taxi driver said.

He explained that “mobile phones are the most common thing left behind but most of them now can be traced anyway.”

He concluded to say “my message is to encourage all my taxi driving brothers that if they find something valuable just give it back.”

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