
Zong Leads PTA QoS Rankings for Q4 2021

Islamabad- March 3rd, 2022- Pakistan’s cellular and digital services frontrunner, Zong 4G, has been recognized as the most superior network of the country by Pakistan Telecom Authority’s (PTA) latest Quality of Service (QoS) survey (Q4), 2021.

In the recent Quality of Service (QoS) survey carried out by PTA in 18 cities and nine motorways, highways, intercity roads across all four provinces to measure the performance of the services of Pakistani Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs). The survey gauged the CMO performances against the issued KPIs of voice, network coverage, SMS, and mobile broadband/data using a state-of-the-art automated QoS Monitoring and Benchmarking tool.

In the survey, Zong took the lead in major performance metrics including mobile network coverage, mobile broadband service, voice call quality, and overall telecom ranking. 

“We’re delighted to have topped the PTA QoS charts for Q4, 2021, and are always in pursuit of service excellence on every single front,” shared Zong’s official spokesperson on the achievement. 

“We will continue to find new ways of serving our customers better and drive the digital change that Pakistan needs at the moment. Moreover, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our customers for their trust in Zong as their preferred digital connectivity partner,” the spokesperson added. 

Zong is Pakistan’s top connectivity and digital services provider that’s also leading the ICT-led digital transformation in the country. The company delivers best-in-class mobile telephony and digital services while striving to help Pakistan match its digital pace with the world and enter the 5G era.

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