
Ziauddin University observes International Nurses Day

KARACHI: “A voice to lead on investing in nursing and respecting the rise of global health security, focusing on the need to protest, support and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen the global health care system.

And today, in particular, we’re talking about nursing and its role in pandemics. They were especially overworked and exposed during the pandemic, and we appreciate their humanity during that time. Nursing is the backbone of all healthcare systems around the world, and without nursing, there would be no healthcare, demonstrating how vital this subject is to us,” said Dr Nida Hussain, Pro-chancellor, Ziauddin University.

She was addressing the seminar, titled “NURSES: A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to Secure Global Health” to mark International Nurses Day, organised by Ziauddin University Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The purpose of the seminar was to inform the public about the work of nurses and how they contribute to the health and wellbeing of the public.

“At Ziauddin, we understood the need of promoting nurses’ work and rights to a safe workplace, as well as their full participation and decision-making in patient care and our administrative function. We’ve worked very hard in the last two decades to improve the quality of our nursing,” Dr Hussain added.

Representing the government of Sindh, Director General Nursing Shabir Hussain Jhatial said that since the country’s founding, Sindh province has had almost 1100 BSN admissions and nearly 600 midwifery admissions. The Covid was at its peak when the Sindh government interpolated 2000 nurses, despite the country’s financial problems. The nurses were given hundreds of job opportunities. The federal government has allocated 8.1 billion rupees for the improvement of nursing and midwifery services. As far as the Sindh government is concerned, nurses and midwifery are being developed and improved, and nurses are being invested in for the good of our country.

Talking about the importance of education, Dr Khairunissa Ajani, Assistant Dean, School of Nursing & Midwifery AKU, said, “education is a building block; if we as nurses don’t have a solid scientific knowledge base of what we’re doing and where we’re going, we won’t be able to stand up for ourselves, stand up for the patient, and make the impact we’re supposed to make, so we must ensure that we have the scientific knowledge about nursing.”

The event was addressed by Dr. Pamela Marshal, Dean, Ziauddin University Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Dr. Jai Das, Assistant Professor of Research AKU and Alexander Lawson Director, Centre for International and Constitutional Law, Ziauddin University. The ZU Dialogues was moderated by Yasmin Noorali Amarsi.

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