
Pakistani Cabinet approves Rs20 billion for Operation Azm-e-Istehkam

ISLAMABAD: (INP and BR) The federal cabinet to tackle the recent terrorist incidents across country has approved Rs20 billion for Operation Azm-e-Istehkam on Tuesday.

Held with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in chair, the cabinet meeting discussed a six-point agenda which also focused on economic and political situation of the country.

The federal cabinet also approved Rs 1.95 billion for FC Balochistan to ensure the security of the Reko Diq project.—INP

BR staff reporter Mushtaq Ghumman adds: The government has approved Technical Supplementary Grant (TSG) of Rs 20 billion instead of requested demand of Rs 59.7 billion due to limited fiscal space, meant to enhance capacity enhancement of Security Forces/Law Enforcement Agencies including multi-tiered surveillance under Azm-e-Istehkam.

On August 22, 2024, Defence Division informed the forum that the National Action Plan was visualized through national consensus and its implementation began in 2014 which was further revised in 2021 to counter terrorism and improve the overall security in the country.

Recent developments in Afghanistan started impacting on the security situation in border districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. Consequently, inadequacy of resources vis-à-vis technological advantage afforded to terrorists having access to latest gadgetry and weapons left by US troops in Afghanistan, resulted in resurgence of terrorism in Pakistan.

To actualize vision of Azm-e-Istehkam, capacity enhancement of Security Forces/Law Enforcement Agencies including multi-tiered surveillance by technical means, aerial platforms and night fighting capability of troops to eliminate terrorism had become imperative.

Pak Army apprised that the Federal Apex Committee meeting on Revised National Action Plan on 22nd June 2024 endorsed and approved contours of reinvigorated Counter Terrorism Campaign including Action Plan along with capacity enhancement of Security Forces.

The Prime Minister, accordingly, assured requisite technology enablement of Pakistan Army against evolving dynamics of threat, enhanced security and effective border control measures.

In order to meet critical requirements/shortcomings, Pakistan Army requested that a total of Rs.59.7 billion including FEC of $ 141.6 million was essentially required for capacity enhancement in relation to Operation Azm-e-Istehkam.

Initial allocation of Rs.20 billion was immediately required for capacity enhancement in counter terrorism domain, whereas remaining funds worth Rs.39.7 billion along with FEC would be required in later part of CFY 2024-25. Finance Division concurred with the provision of Rs.20 billion as TSG to Pakistan Army in the CFY 2024-25.

Approval of the ECC of the Cabinet was solicited to Technical Supplementary Grant (TSG) of Rs.59.7 billion including FEC of $ 141.6 million as non-lapsable funds with immediate allocation of Rs.20 billion whereas remaining funds of Rs.39.7 billion with FEC in later part of CFY 2024-25 as special allocation for capacity enhancement in relation to Operation Azm-e-Istehkam to Pakistan Army under Demand No.29: Defence Service, during CFY 2024-25.

During the ensuing discussion, Defence Division requested that total TSG of Rs.59.7 billion including foreign exchange component be approved. However, Finance Division agreed, in principle, to provide Rs.20 billion as TSG for the time being for the said purpose, as no fiscal space was available. Defence Division was advised to take up the matter of foreign exchange cover separately with the Finance Division.

The ECC further directed Defence Division to approach the Finance Division and take up the case of foreign exchange cover sedately with them.

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