CM says Chitral bypass is another mega project after Lowari Tunnel

Lowari TunnelImage by arsalank2 via Flickr
(One Pakistan/PPI) Peshawar , Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ameer Haidar Khan Hoti inaugurated watan cards distribution process among flood affectees in Chitral and laid the foundation stone of Khan Abdul wali Khan Bypass road upon his one day visit to Chitral.

Talking to local notables and media men, the chief minister said Abdul Wali Khan Bypass road will cost 35 crore, the second major project for Chitral after Lowari Tunnel. Timely completion of Abdul Wali Khan Bypass road will be ensured at all cost. There is no turmoil in the country. Decisions of judiciary will be implemented and there is complete political stability and harmony in the country. He expressed these views while addressing local notables and media men at Boni Chitral on the occasion of launching watan cards distribution in Chitral and lying foundation stone of Abdul Wali Khan Bypass road. Senior Provincial Ministers Rahim Dad Khan and Bashir Ahmad Bilour, and DG NADRA Mir Alam Khan also accompanied him. MNA Shahzada Mohi ud Din, provincial minister Salim Khan, MPA Ghulam Mohammed, DCO Rahmat Ullah Wazir, district officers local notables and large numbers of affectees were also present.

The chief minister said there is no threat to democracy in the country and the political forces have the capacity of slving any sort of problem. He said people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have the first right over resources of the province and no one or me have brought these resources from home. He said the provincial government is spending 17 billion of developmental schemes on rehabilitation of flood affected areas and affectees. The chief minister appealed all political forces for unity in ranks against challenges of terrorism and flooding beyond political manifesto and ideology. He said we can surmount all problems by uniting under one flag of peace and serving flood affectees. He assured that no any affectee or affected family will be deprived from government assistance. He directed the administration and NADRA for inclusion of affectees lag behind from present lists and the people representatives for active part in this noble cause. The chief minister also approved inclusion of 126 flood affectees of 2007 in this package.

The chief minister said obliteration of backwardness of this far flung and major district of the province is our top priority. He said Abdul Wali Khan Bypass road is second major project after Lowari Tunnel which will not only promote tourism in Chitral but will also assists in materializing long standing demand of people of Chitral. He said 18 crore had already been released for the project while 10 crore will be provided soon. He announced Lowary Tunnel will remain open for people of Chitral in winter season as it was last year. He said though people of Gilgit-Baltistan are our brothers but Shandor was part of Chitral (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), is part of Chitral and will remain part of Chitral. He congratulated people of Chitral and the administration for successful holding of Shandor Festival and said polo teams from other parts of the country will be encouraged for participation in this historical and highest stadium.

He agreed upgradation of Boni sub division as district under nomenclature of Upper Chitral, however he asked SMBR and concerned authorities for report after its scrutiny. He said it will upgraded to district level it all requirements were fulfilled. He said he had promised opening of Lowari Tunnel and provision of four dialysis machines and other heavy machinery for construction during his last visit which were fulfilled by the grace of God. He announced approval of a bus each for Girls College Boni and Centinental Model Girls school, one million rupees for Pamir school, and two lakh rupees for repairing of old bus. He said he will himself request prime minister for opening Shringal University Campus and announced provision of land for it. DCO Rahmat Ullah Wazir said a total of 1,75,00,000 rupees will be distributed among 668 affectees of district Chitral. Earlier, the chief minister upon reaching Boni, people of Chitral warmly welcomed him.

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