PML-Q better than PML-N, discovers PPP

Photo - Sama TV
LAHORE:( Federal Law Minister Babar Awan and senior central leader of the PML-Q Ch Pervaiz Elahi met at the Zahoor Elahi Road on Monday, underscoring their agreement on several issues, and decided to continue cooperating with each other for strengthening democracy and welfare of public.

Ch Pervaiz Elahi assured Law Minister Babar Awan that they wanted the PPP to complete its five-year term. Ch Pervaiz Elahi was of the view that they were open to everyone as they believed that there could be no politics by shutting doors for others.

They were talking to the media after holding two separate meetings, including a one-on-one meeting. From the PPP, Babar Awan, Mushtaq Awan, Haji Azizur Rehman Chan and Zakiraya Butt while from the PML-Q Ch Pervaiz Elahi, Ch Zaheer and Kamil Ali Agha participated in the meeting.

Ch Pervaiz Elahi claimed that it was the beginning of the PPP policy towards opening national issues. He was of the view that such meetings were very vital for better future of the country. Spelling out the policy of his party, Ch Pervaiz Elahi claimed that they were prepared to participate in resolving national issues.

Responding to a query, Ch Pervaiz Elahi claimed that good governance and better performance were key to strengthening democracy. He was of the view that the more the government would focus on resolving problems of the masses, the more democracy and the government would be strengthened. He claimed that it was for the first time in the history of Pakistan that the opposition gave vote of confidence to the prime minister with the objective of promoting politics of national reconciliation to resolve public problems. He alleged that Punjab government had nothing practical but indulging in the politics of vindictiveness.

Babar Awan in return appreciated the administration of Ch Pervaiz Elahi as CM Punjab claiming that his tenure was far better as compared to the incumbent provincial government. He termed suggestions from Ch Pervaiz Elahi as positive adding the PPP government in the centre would benefit from his vision and experience.

He said it was an era of national reconciliation and those sticking to the politics of stubbornness were in fact harming democracy. He said they had contacted and held dialogue with those political parties which were out of parliament. “I have met with Munawwar Hasan in Mansoora and visited Gilgit Baltistan and Balochistan to hold dialogues with the local politicians,” he added.

He claimed that politicians should exhibit and promote culture of tolerance and patience as there was no room for prejudice and cynicism in national politics. He claimed that confrontation among politicians would harm the general public.

Babar Awan responding to the queries of media claimed that national reconciliation was the only solution to the problems confronted by Pakistan. “It is our joint responsibility to find a way out of the prevailing difficulties,” he added.

He said the opposition and treasury were equal stakeholders in a democratic set-up, though they had different roles yet had same objectives. He claimed that he had already had a meeting with Ch Shujaat Hussain and the basic objective of such meetings was to ignite a hope among the people for democracy.

Responding to a query, Ch Pervaiz Elahi said they had conveyed to those PML factions who had left them to join them unconditionally as there was no point of holding dialogues with them for the unification of Muslim League.


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