UAE high court rules men can beat wives, young children if there are no visible marks مرد اپنے بیوی بچوں کے ساتھ اس حد تک تشدد کرسکتا ہے کہ انہیں کسی قسم کے واضح چوٹ نہ آجائیں۔ یونائیٹڈ عرب امارات کی عدالت

Location of the United Arab EmiratesImage via Wikipedia
( The UAE's highest judicial body says a man can beat his wife and young children as long as the beating leaves no physical marks. It's perfectly legal for a man to beat his wife and young children in the United Arab Emirates, as long as the assault leaves no physical marks, the country's highest court ruled.

Citing Islamic law, the Federal Supreme Court made the decision earlier this month in its ruling on a case of a man who slapped and kicked his daughter and slapped his wife, Abu Dhabi's The National reported Monday.

The wife sustained injuries to her lower lip and teeth and the 23-year-old daughter suffered bruises on her hand and knee from the beating. The court ruled against the defendant, saying he crossed the line suggested by Sharia Law, because his daughter was no longer a minor and his wife had visible injuries.

But in the process, Chief Justice Falah al Hajeri stated that there are conditions when domestic violence is acceptable.

"Although the [law] permits the husband to use his right [to discipline], he has to abide by the limits of this right," al Hajeri wrote in a ruling released in a court document Sunday.

"If the husband abuses this right to discipline, he cannot be exempted from punishment."

Dr Ahmed al Kubaisi, the head of Sharia Studies at UAE University and Baghdad University, told the National that beating one's wife is at times necessary to preserve family bonds.

"If a wife committed something wrong, a husband can report her to police," Dr al Kubaisi told the newspaper. "But sometimes she does not do a serious thing or he does not want to let others know; when it is not good for the family. In this case, hitting is a better option."

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