Chitrali protested against stopping work on Tunnel لواری ٹنل پر کام روک لئے جانے پر چترالی عوام کا شدید اختجاج- by G. H. Farooqui

TTHC protested against suspending of work on Lawari Tunnel.
(Groundreport) CHITRAL: Tanzeemi Tahafuzi Huqooqi Chitral (Organization for protection of the rights of Chitral) protested at PIA square under the chair of former MNA Chitral Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali. Majority of Jamati Islami workers and leaders were present on the occasion. They passed a unanimous resolution during their protest and public meeting. According to a resolution they declared that Lawari tunnel is just like backbone for the people of Chitral. The project should to be complete within its stipulated period until31st December, 2010 but work suspended over ongoing work of the tunnel. The present government not releasing fund to Korean Company Sambu and high ups of the concern quarters compelling Sambu Construction company for their commission and harassing them unnecessarily. They demanded from the federal government for releasing of liabilities and sufficient fund t Sambo company to enable them to resume work on the incomplete project. They also urged on the federal government for earmarking of 4 billion rupees for this project so as to run it smoothly and complete the tunnel timely. They demanded through their resolution for calling tenders for construction of bridges and 10 kilometers each approach road on both sides of the tunnel.

Winter season has been started and the only land route of Chitral will be closed at Lawari top due to heavy snowfall expected in this month they demanded for opening of Lawri tunnel for all type of vehicular traffic so as that Chitral people not face any problem. They said that the present government has claimed for giving shelter, food and cloth but they alleged that the government failed and could not provided these basic things to poor people and snatching their livelihood from the mouth of poor person. As well as continue hiking in petroleum prices and edible things the poor section of the society is being socially massacring. Sugar thefts, hoarders are creating temporary shortage but no action is being taken against them and sky touching prices badly paralyzed poor people and they can not purchase essential edible commodities. Poor people living extreme cosemprecy. Price of firewood has been fixed 240 per mound officially but is selling more than 350 per mound in market. They alleged that government have no grip from Karachi to Chitral and there is no check and balance no checking in the country. They demanded for holding in control the situation by government and demanded for stern action against hoarders and profiteers and stabilizing prices of these things carrying it on the rate as per prevailing in 2008. and give opportunity to poor segment of the society. They also demanded for stopping step mother attitude with more than 100 science and Arts graduate and they should be appointed against the vacant posts of lecturers and subject specialist. Besides former MNA Abul Akbar, former chairman District council and UC Nazim Al-Haj Khurshid Ali Khan, Amir Jamat Islami Maulana Sher Aziz, former MPA Maulana Abdul Rehman, Maulana Israruddin Al-Hilal and Niaz A Niazi Advocate general secretary district Bar association Chitral also spoke on the occasion.

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