Lok Virsa sets up children folklore societies in three schools in Chitral and Kelash

ISLAMABAD (Daily Times): The National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage (Lok Virsa) has established Children Folklore Societies in three schools in Chitral and Kalash valley under Joint Institutional Cooperation between Pakistan and Norway.

The schools selected for the purpose included Government Girls High School (Booni), Government Centennial Boys Model High School, Chitral and Government High School Bombourat, Kalash.

This has been done in collaboration with Anjuman-e-Taraqi Khuwar, a local NGO under Lok Virsa’s popular slogan `harnessing culture for education’.

In his message on the occasion, Federal Minister For Culture Pir Aftab Hussain Shah Jilani said this effort on the part of Lok Visa had a great potential to serve the youth, particularly school children at the gross root level. He said PPP government was committed to provide fruits of democracy to all sections of the society and it was striving to achieve the desired goals.

“This initiative will enable children to understand culture and folklore of other provinces, regions and areas so that they should know the overall picture of the country’s cultural importance and significance. 

In a statement, Norwegian Ambassador Robert Kvile said culture was their priority area. He said Norway would continue to support Pakistan for promoting and strengthening the cultural heritage.

Lok Virsa Executive Director (ED) Khalid Javaid said the society aimed to create awareness among younger generation, particularly school children below class 10, about their indigenous folklore, traditions, culture, rituals and customs. It would also afford a venue to the children to enjoy a good childhood and to explore use of their imagination.

He said the societies would be instrumental to elevate poverty among children of poor communities as efforts were underway to provide costumes, school bags, books, note books, painting materials and other stationery items to the children. Lok Virsa would also extend financial support for study tours and food for the participating children during the approved programme activities, he added.

The ED said the society would hold weekly meetings after school timings so that their education may not suffer; arrange interaction of children with folk artists and artisans with a view to share their traditional music and artisanship.

Artisans in different craft fields will be invited to demonstrate their craftsmanship in the school enabling children to learn about their skills; organize informal talk shows/discussions with craft and cultural personalities and folklorists on different topics and aspects of Pakistani culture and folklore. 

He said the society would consist of patron, adviser, president and general secretary. Principal of the school would act as patron whereas one teacher, preferably art teacher, would be designated as adviser. Members of the society will be elected through open election.

The elected members would choose one president and one general secretary amongst them. All the activities and functions of the society will be undertaken by president and general secretary in close coordination with the patron and adviser. Executive director, Lok Virsa in his capacity as chief coordinator for the project will approve the society’s proposals, budget and supervise & monitor the activities.


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