Rs 74 million spent on renovation of Gilani's residence

The coat of arms of Pakistan displays the nati...Image via Wikipedia
TOI - ISLAMABAD: The renovation of Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's palatial official residence and his secretariat in the past 30 months have cost taxpayers Rs 74 million, according to documents tabled in parliament. Housing and works minister Rehmatullah Kakar informed the National Assembly or lower house of parliament on Wednesday that the renovation of the Prime Minister's House had cost more than double the renovation of Gilani's Secretariat. 

Kakar told the House in written replies that in the last 30 months, Rs 50.3 million was spent on the renovation of the Prime Minister's House. 

Of this amount, Rs 37.1 million on repairs, maintenance material and work by contract. 

Another Rs 23.85 million was spent on renovating the Prime Minister's Secretariat. 

This included Rs 19.57 million spent on repairs and maintenance. The Pakistan People's Party-led government has come in for considerable criticism from the public for its failure to tackle the country's economic meltdown and to curb wasteful expenditure.

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